LCT PK421 LCK-12 Silencer
  • LCT PK421 LCK-12 Silencer

LCT PK421 LCK-12 Silencer

63,00 €

silenziatore lct stile AK12 passo 24mm per montare su ak12 necessita di adattatore a baionetta pk404

e con l'adattatore pk311 monta su passo 14mm negativo

  Spedizioni per Venezia ed Isole Minori

Per la spedizione in queste zone, contattare l'amministratore.

  Shipping costs for hard to reach European locations

For isolated locations, there may be a surcharge on shipping, which will be notified after purchase.

For LCT various designs LCK , except AS VAL / MRK VAL / LGM VAL / VSS;

◉ These models should be assembled the PK404 :LCK-12 / ZK-12 / ZK-12U / LCK-15 / LCK-19;

◉ Can be compatibled with PK311 M14 to M24 Muzzle Thread Adapter;