LCT PK408 LCK-19 Grip with Trigger Guard
  • LCT PK408 LCK-19 Grip with Trigger Guard
  • LCT PK408 LCK-19 Grip with Trigger Guard

LCT PK408 LCK-19 Grip with Trigger Guard

22,00 €

grip stile ak12 per ak lct

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grip stile ak12 per ak lct con guardia del grilletto e sgancio caricatore integrati

➤ LCK-74 / MRK-74 / LCKS-74 / LCKS-74M / LCK-74M / LCK-74MN / STK-74 / ZKS-74M / Sport ZKS-74M / G-03 / G-03M / LTS Keymod 13.5 
➤ LCKM / LCKM (Stainless Steel) / LCKMS / LCKM Economy / LCKMMS / AIMS / AIM Carbine / TKMS / TIMS / M-LOK LCKM
➤ LCK-104 / LCK-105 / MRK-105 / ZK-104 / Sport ZK-104 / TK-102 / TK-104 / TK-105 / TX-M / TX-MIG / G-04 / G-04M / MG-MS / M-LOK LCK104
➤ LCKM-63 / AMD-65 / TX-63 / TX-65 / TX-5
➤ LCKS-74UN / LCKMSU / LCK-106 / TX-74UN / TX-S74UN / VZK-MSU / ZK-S74UN / Sport ZK-S74UN
➤ LCK-12 / LCK-15 / LCK-16 / LCK-19 /ZK-12 / ZK-12U
➤ RPK / RPKS-74 / RPKS-74MN
◉ if it non-LCT products,we can't sure compatible or not.